Xiao-bo: oh man so i went to the craziest talk to a professor here
me: tell me
Xiao-bo: you know when profs get to a certain tenured age, they are just allowed to be as crazy as they feel like? only a certain adherence to societal norms prevents them from going pantless around campus. anyway, this one very old, very eminent native americans scholar gave all of us first-years a talk supposedly about his research on animal symbolism, instead, he told us all these stories about him hunting possums in west virginia he may also have claimed that he once fought a bear. at the climax of the story, he paused like he was going to say somethig important
we all leaned in, riveted
me: i love where this is going
Xiao-bo: then, he busted open the front of his snap-button shirt and inside he was wearing this t-shirt with a picture of a possum, and the words, "possums: the other white meat"
Xiao-bo: then, he busted open the front of his snap-button shirt and inside he was wearing this t-shirt with a picture of a possum, and the words, "possums: the other white meat"
and that was the end of his lecture. AMAZING.
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